
WoW Mage Leveling Guide - How to Level Up With Magic Speed

Playing a mage in World of Warcraft anyone will discover new dimensions of fun. Literally burn the enemies or seeding cold deep into their hearts makes any player feel on top of the game. I've been around with my mage for a while and I know this class pretty well. They are very needed in raids or PvP premade groups as top heavy DPSers. With the power of the elements at their fingers, mages can inflict insane amounts of damage and sometimes they are the key class for winning a battle.But the question is, how to reach the end game content as fast as possible and how to become the master of elements? I have found a good answer to this question.

When WotLK arrived and all my guildies started new characters, but I secretly used a WoW Mage Leveling Guide to get ahead of them, towards "the juice" of the game. Not only that it helped me hit the level cap faster, I've also got this: "Realm First! Level 80 Mage" Therefore, I'm gonna share with all the WoW players a few excellent tips this WoW Mage Leveling Guide taught me.WoW Mage Leveling Guide - Blizzard's BlizzardBlizzard is for sure, the best ability for leveling up your mage.

 If you learn how to AoE the mobs keeping them at the distance without getting hit, the XP will fly. Anyone playing a mage should literally abuse this spell if questing or grinding. To maximize its damage and be more effective, the mobs must be 2-3 levels below you. Doing the quests the AoE way, gives the mage a boost, compared to the other classes.

WoW Mage Leveling Guide - Sheep Power! Since mages are known as powerful damage dealers, you can take on, quests that are above your level. The amount of XP per quest is higher this way, but any mage taking this path must use the Polymorph effect at maximum, as well as all the crowd control he possesses. When 2-3 mobs higher in level than your character add, it's really indicated to sheep one to reduce the damage taken. The sheep is very effective on bosses that have 2-3 guards. Always sheep a guard and nuke the boss.

WoW Mage Leveling Guide - Frost Spec: Slow Mobs for Fast XP Many players chose arcane or fire specs to rise their mages, but on these specs the mage is more efficient on single targets. I use the frost spec to be able to AoE easily large numbers of mobs. Improving your Blizzard spell and the other cold abilities, mobs will always be slowed down. This way you

'll be able to keep up the range and nuke them without being hit.WoW Mage Leveling Guide - A Mage's Leveling GearMany players buy equipment to constantly rise their character's attributes, but in my opinion this is a waste of gold and time. The equipment from the quests is good enough to level up any character and saving up the reward money, any player will have the necessary sum to buy the very needed mounts at the right time.

However, to level up a mage anyone should concentrate on building up more spell power, critical chance mana regen and increasing the mana pool. Having these stats up, the mage simply pwns.WoW Mage Leveling Guide - A Mage's ProfessionAs for any other "clothie", for a mage the best tradeskill combination is tailoring/enchanting. Doing quests and killing mobs you'll amass tons of cloth, the raw materials for tailoring. If you don't need the crafted gear, it's always good to skill up the enchanting or they can be simply disenchanted for the shards, essences and dusts.

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